Hearts for Autism Fund is committed to offering superior community trainings provided at no cost to families and at a low cost for all community members. In the last several years, Hearts for Autism has sponsored four nationally recognized speakers in the Las Cruces area.
These trainings brought unique perspectives and comprehensive presentations for families, educators and professionals living and working in the field of autism. By bringing high quality presenters to the Las Cruces area, Hearts for Autism Fund has provided over 460 training participants consisting of families and community members from across the state of New Mexico the opportunity to attend exceptional trainings, access to the top autism professionals, continuing educational credits for professionals and the most current information on autism.
Social Thinking Across the
Home and School Day:
Home and School Day:
October 20, 2022
Registration – 8:30 AM • Training – 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Arrowhead Park Early College High School
3600 Arrowhead Dr., Building 8, Las Cruces, NM 88011
Arrowhead Park Early College High School
3600 Arrowhead Dr., Building 8, Las Cruces, NM 88011
This course is designed to teach professionals and parents the social learning frameworks, concepts, and strategies needed to guide others toward improved social processing and social competencies. Attendees will gain new insights into the power of their own social-emotional intelligence as they explore their social motivations and how they process and respond to social information. We will dissect hidden social rules, contemplate how social expectations change with age, and discuss how social problem solving is at the heart of social competencies and affects how students interpret and respond to social-academic information and assignments. Social Thinking has developed a large range of treatment strategies—and attendees will walk away with a number of them, including approaches for helping students avoid “the blurt,” cope with boring moments, and develop conversational language.
Much of the day will focus on the ILAUGH Model of Social Cognition. ILAUGH is an acronym for Initiating Communication, Listening with Eyes and Brain, Abstract and Inferential Thinking, Understanding Perspective, Getting the Big Picture, and Humor & Human Relatedness. The ILAUGH model demonstrates not only why people with social learning challenges have weaker social abilities but also how social interpretation is linked to academic tasks such as written expression, conversational language, reading comprehension, and organizational skills. As we wrap up the day, we will explore how to teach at the roots—and not through the leaves—of Social Thinking’s Social Learning Tree. We will then discuss how to write realistic IEP goals based on rubrics. Mainstream teachers find the information in this course applicable to all students as it pertains to social-emotional learning, and audiences around the world love that it furthers their own social-emotional insights!
About The Presenter
Ryan Hendrix, MS CCC-SLP
Ms. Hendrix is a senior Social Cognitive Therapist at Social Thinking Stevens Creek in San Jose and a private therapist in San Francisco. Her diverse caseload experience includes preschool-age children through young adults with social cognitive learning differences.
Ms. Hendirx received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Art Therapy and her master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Arizona. Following graduation, she continued implementing Social Thinking principles as a speech-language pathologist at the Tucson Medical Center. There she worked with children ages 1-12 with a variety of cognitive and communication impairments. She also collaborated and co-treated with occupational and physical therapists.
Ms. Hendrix’s artistic and creative talents allow her to explore abstract ideas in a visual, fun, and engaging manner. She truly enjoys sharing this information with caregivers and professionals and brings the concepts and strategies to life through stories and humor.
More information will be coming soon, please check back.
Prior training provided by Hearts for Autism

Managing Stress and Building Resiliency:
Training the Mind and Body to Thrive in a Demanding World
Presented by Dr. Raquel Garzon
Sponsored by Hearts for Autism
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 9:00am-1:00pm.
2345 Nevada Ave. Las Cruces, NM
This training will look at providing practical strategies for increasing the positive impacts of good stress, while decreasing the negative impacts of bad stress and help to provide parents, caretakers and professionals with tools for self care.
RSVP is required to secure your spot and seats are limited! Lunch will be provided. There is no cost for families members and $25 for community members.
To register use the google forms link:
Or you can contact us to register:
(575) 644-5790
Emails to: [email protected]